Old and New Beginnings: Aja accepts new role in Seattle

Guest blog post by Aja, Haven’s Director of Programs.

After Sept. 5, you can find me serving as the next Executive Director of New Beginnings, Seattle's full service domestic violence agency operating since 1976! 

My time at Haven has been transformative - personally and professionally. When Erica called and offered me the Program Director position, I admit I did not play it cool - at all.  I am sure I said "Yes, yes, yes" before we hung up. I was so excited to join this team. On that day, I couldn't have known how much I would learn from and grow with this incredible organization. My time at Haven, working with our staff, and cultivating a practice of empowerment has made me a kinder, more understanding person and has required a deeper awareness of my whole self in this work. 

As I near my last day at Haven, I hope to leave behind, even in small part, the measures of grace and love I have received while being a part of this team. Now, I get to join a different Haven team -- the team of people who volunteer and donate their time, energy, and resources because they trust in the expertise of the organization and are invested in ending domestic violence in Gallatin Valley. 

Thank you to our community partners, donors, volunteers, Board of Directors and the staff for your support over the last four and a half years. I hope you'll look me up the next time you're in Seattle!

 – Aja