SERVING OUR COMMUNITY For more than 40 years
Supporting survivors and educating our community
Haven began serving survivors in 1979. Over the last four decades, Haven has worked to both provide safe intervention for survivors of domestic violence and to prevent future violence from occurring. Haven is the only nonprofit serving survivors of domestic violence, sex trafficking, and stalking in Gallatin County. Our approach makes us unique — everything we do is deeply and genuinely rooted in empowerment. In the last year, Haven provided 87 percent more shelter bed nights than the year prior. Haven’s life-saving work is only made possible through the generous support of our community.

Our vision
We envision a community knowledgeable about domestic abuse, fully engaged and committed to the safety and well-being of its members.
Haven is committed to reducing the incidence and minimizing the impact of domestic abuse on families and communities. We provide emergency shelter, crisis intervention, on-going support, referrals, and education.
Our Values
We value INTEGRITY. This looks like a commitment to transparency, basing our actions on our stated values, and assuming best intent.
We value ACCESS. This looks like reducing barriers by providing trauma-informed, culturally responsive services and programs. We engage all interested parties for their participation, input and feedback.
We value GROWTH. This looks like supporting personal and professional resilience through reflection, rest, curiosity, innovation and setting boundaries. We commit to continuous improvement. Root and sway.
We value EQUITY. This looks like identifying and addressing systemic conditions so that all people including all ages, races, abilities, country of origin, genders, sexual orientations, religions, body sizes, or who have membership to any other historically marginalized communities, are recognized as having inherent dignity as a step toward a more just world.
We value EMPOWERMENT. This looks like co-creating the conditions in which agency and informed choice can occur. We acknowledge and trust that each person is the expert of their own personal experience. We lift each other up, celebrate one another’s strengths and welcome everyone’s voice.
We value CONNECTION. This looks like engaging with one another and the community to promote healing and shared responsibility for Haven's mission.
Our Services
Our services are for any person impacted by domestic violence, sex trafficking, or stalking. We meet survivors where they are, and offer compassionate support as they move towards a life free from violence.
Haven’s Commitment to Inclusivity
At Haven, we approach each person as a complex individual with their own unique background, worldview and challenges and opportunities. That is why we are committed to working with any and all survivors of domestic violence.
We ensure our policies are supportive to anyone of any gender identity or sexual orientation
We believe everyone has the right to a safe relationship, regardless of their citizenship, national origin, or immigration status
We support meaningful access to cultural traditions, and religions and spiritual practices
We are committed to working with survivors facing challenges beyond the abuse, including disabilities, mental health, substance abuse and poverty
We do our best to accommodate any language barriers survivors have
We understand that domestic violence occurs among all races and ethnicities and are committed to working with anyone experiencing violence
We know domestic violence can happen in dating relationships, as well as marriages, and are committed to working with survivors, regardless of their marital status
Compromiso de Haven de Inclusión
En Haven, tratamos a cada persona como un individuo complejo con sus propios y únicos antecedentes, visión del mundo, desafíos y oportunidades. Por eso estamos comprometidos a trabajar con todos y cualquiera de los sobrevivientes de violencia entre pareja íntima.
Aseguramos de que nuestras políticas apoyen a cualquier persona de cualquier identidad de género u orientación sexual
Creemos que toda persona tiene el derecho a una relación segura, sin importar su ciudadanía, origen nacional o estatus migratorio
Apoyamos acceso significativo a tradiciones culturales, religiones y prácticas espirituales
Estamos comprometidos a trabajar con los sobrevivientes que se enfrentan a desafíos más allá del abuso, incluyendo discapacidades, salud mental, abuso de sustancias y pobreza
Hacemos todo lo posible para acomodar cualquier barrera lingüística que tengan los sobrevivientes
Comprendemos que la violencia doméstica ocurre en todas las razas y etnias y estamos comprometidos a trabajar con cualquier persona que está experimentando violencia
Sabemos que la violencia doméstica puede ocurrir en relaciones de citas románticas, así como matrimonios, y estamos comprometidos a trabajar con sobrevivientes, sin importar su estado civil